Wednesday, February 7, 2007

eBay turns its back on virtual sellers, Britain

Exactly who owns virtual game items that can be acquired, sold and exchanged online is a real-world ambiguity that has forced into action.Speaking yesterday, the auctioneer told Contractor UK that it no longer allows the sale of virtual items from internet games such as World of Warcraft and EverQuest.

An eBay spokesperson said synthetic objects from such titles like game characters, currency and points present too much of "legal complexity" to be permitted.The move follows warnings from unhappy publishers of MMORPG titles that they take a dim view of individuals, and presumably supporting websites, that sell their "in-game property."Blizzard, makers of World of Warcraft, have urged players not to trade in virtual items outside the realm of Azeroth, and have already shut down 1,000 gamers who refused to comply.

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