Friday, November 24, 2006

Attorney of killed ex-wife's family says eBay not doing enough to pull O.J. Simpson book auctions

LOS ANGELES: An attorney representing the family of Nicole Brown Simpson accused eBay of not moving quickly enough to yank auctions of "If I Did It," O.J. Simpson's hypothetical story of how he would have killed his ex-wife.
The book had been scheduled for release Nov. 30 following a two-part Simpson interview on Fox, but News Corp., owner of Fox Broadcasting and publisher HarperCollins, canceled the project after an outcry condemning it as revolting and exploitive.

Responding to concerns from HarperCollins, eBay spokesman Hani Durzy said Thursday that the online auction house has been removing offers to sell purported copies of the book from the site. In one case, bids had topped $1 million (€770,000).

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